Does your roofing warranty completely protect you? It’s important to find out!

Your existing roof came with a warranty, of course, but a warranty can often give you a false sense of security. Just because your roof came with a warranty doesn’t mean that it will always be repaired or replaced with no questions asked. There are many factors that can affect whether your current warranty will provide the coverage you think it will. 

Many roofing companies and roofing material manufacturers require that you get a professional inspection every few years. Some also require an inspection after a major weather event for their warranty to remain active. If you can’t show proof that your roof has been maintained, you may run into problems if you try to make a claim on your warranty.

Contact Royal Crown Roofing to learn more about the steps you can take now to inspect and maintain your roof for years to come and keep your warranty intact.  Royal Crown Roofing has years of experience dealing with roof maintenance and warranties and offers a full range of commercial and residential roofing services, from new roof installation to roof repairs and more. Let us help you keep your roof in optimal condition for years to come.